Our chickens are growing! They are around 5 weeks old now and getting the last of their feathers under their wings. I can't believe how much they have changed in just 3 weeks!
Here is a picture of a barred rock chick at about 3 weeks of age. He was getting his feathers on his wings. I'm pretty sure this is a cockerel because we have one cock that likes to perch here, on top of the feeding bin.
And here he is now
Here are some more chicken pictures.
Chicky goodness (the reds are Rhode Island Reds. Each boy picked one out. These are Dylan's in front and Connor's in back)
And here's Connor's Rhode Island Red now
Here's another picture of some more pullets (minus the cockerel on the bottom of the pic). I think the RIR is Dylan's but his and Jonah's are very hard to tell apart.
Grandpa Don and John are almost done fixing up the coop so these little birdies should be in their new home by the end of the week.
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