Gobble Gobble
The wildlife never ends!!!
That is one of the reasons why I love this property so much. I was out tending to the chickens this morning and when I was walking back to the house, Dylan and Jonah were running back up the drive excitedly. They told me they had been chasing some big wild birds. The "grown up" ones. At first I thought they were talking about the quail. We had two coveys of quail when we moved in last fall. The babies should be all grown up now but we rarely see the quail anymore now that we have cats and a dog. I think they moved on. I have also seen pheasant near our property but not actually in our yard. But I did remember John saying he had seen wild turkeys here, but I had never seen them. I asked the boys a bunch of questions and began to wonder if they they had in fact seen the wild turkeys.
Jonah said he was trying to chase one down and was going to jump on it and catch it for dinner. Good thing his plan failed because later on I saw a flock of turkeys consisting of one very large tom and 5 hens in the orchard! I snuck out and got a few pictures of them. The tom heard me coming because he fluffed all up. He looked so regal!
I made sure Jonah understood that he should never under any circumstances try to jump on a wild turkey or any other large bird or wild animal! He then requested that I buy him a gun so he could shoot it. Uh, yeah. Right. Logical reasoning but that's not going to happen any time soon.
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