Adventures in Country Living

Follow our family's transition from city to country living.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Just who *IS* Duane, anyway???

Quinn went to the eye doctor yesterday. I have been noticing that her right eye seems to be crossing sometimes. We had to wait about 10 weeks to get an appointment and yesterday was the day. I was fully expecting to come out of the appointment with some kind of patch or prescription for glasses for my baby but that is not how it turned out. If you look really closely to this picture, you can see that her right eye is looking at the camera and the left eye (near one) is looking straight ahead. It turns out it's not a problem with her right eye, but a problem with her left eye. Her right eye tracks correctly but her left eye will not turn outward past the midline. This is called Duane's Syndrome. Quinn has type I. You can read more about it here and here. Here is a link to an animation showing Duane's Syndrome. So Quinn doesn't need glasses or a patch. There isn't anything that can be done. It's not correctable. She will prefer to turn her head and look to the left more head-on. She has already learned to compensate for this. I'm a little sad that Quinn has this problem with her eye but I am really thankful that it's not a sign of some more significant and scary problem. I am so thankful for her overall health and wellbeing. She is such a precious little angel of a girl and such an amazing gift to us.


At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Baby! Poor Mama Amy! So sorry to hear about her eye, bless your hearts. She IS cute as a button though, what a pretty girl. love you, kristi and family


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